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Test your game skills with these 9 picture puzzles

To solve these rebus brainteasers, add up the icons, symbols and letters to identify the Ohio State-themed answers. 

Think of kids sounding out words when they are learning to read. Rebus puzzles work similarly, but instead of stringing together syllables made of letters, they rely on things — pictures, symbols, alignment and letters — that sound the same. Their name comes from the Latin phrase non verbis, sed rebus, meaning “not by words, but by picture.”  

Try your hand (and brain) at these Ohio State-themed puzzles we created. Near the end of this webpage, there is a link that will take you to the answers.


First line: a log on its side, a plus sign, the letter y   Second line: A city skyline with clouds all around the tops of the buildings


First line: A car, a plus sign, three men   Second line: the letter O, a plus sign, a person waving, a plus sign, the letter O


A hand mirror, an oval-shaped lake


First line: the letters TBD   Second line: The word BAND with a sousaphone player between the A and N


First line: a paddle, a plus sign, a weight that says 1 ton   Second line: A three-columned Greek building


First line: The outline of the state of Ohio   Second line: limes, a plus sign, the letter A


A bride and groom shown inside the outline of the state of Ohio


The word OHIO written in cursive


First line: a stein of sudsy beer, a plus sign, an elephant head, a minus sign, the letter K   Second line: a dollar bill, a plus sign, an eyeball

Find the answers on this webpage

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