It’s what Buckeyes do
The past year has allowed all of us to work together in ways we never envisioned. Lucky for us, Buckeyes make great teammates.
For this issue, our team thought it would be nice if I shared insights from my first year as your alumni association president. When I reflected, and also browsed the stories you’ll read on these pages, the theme of joining together to make great things happen came shining through.
It’s what Buckeyes do, and you can see it over and over again in this edition of the magazine.
It’s in the way we approach our work. Take commencement, which was welcomed back to Ohio Stadium in May. Teams from across the university stepped up to make that happen, organizing two ceremonies to allow us to be safe while saluting the graduates. Even a driving rain could not keep our newest alumni and their loved ones from this incredible event.
It’s at the heart of how we engage with the communities we serve. Magician Joshua Jay literally brings magic to the lives of students with special needs, while entrepreneur Amber Hammond partners with women working to support their families in Colombia.
It’s evident in how we work toward common goals, such as how the Spielman Center’s team rallies around the late Stefanie Spielman’s vision and how the Department of Athletics clears high hurdles to meet the unique needs of our student-athletes.
It’s in the way we live our lives, by caring about and for one another. It extends even to those we’ve never met, but whom we support, because they are Buckeyes — or maybe just because we are Buckeyes, and it’s the right thing to do.
Thanks for making this a year I will never forget. And for constantly reminding me why I came to choose and love this university community so many years ago.