Elite eight: Meet the faces of ‘Time and Change’
Ohio State Alumni Magazine’s special cover showcased the wide range of people benefiting from a historic philanthropic campaign.

One page wasn’t enough. To capture the vast impact of Time and Change: The Ohio State Campaign, the alumni magazine team decided to do something special with the cover of this keepsake edition. We added a second, fold-out page to the print edition to create more space to highlight the wide range of individuals who are benefiting from the campaign and in turn, helping Ohio State make life better for everyone. Here’s more info on our cover subjects.
From left:
Accomplished scholar Ange-Marie Hancock came to Ohio State in 2023 to become the university’s ENGIE-Axium Endowed Professor of Political Science. Hancock is writing a book tracing more than 250 years of African American political thought. Read more in this story.
Dr. Sakima Smith ’14 MPH is the Bob Frick Research Chair in Heart Failure and Arrhythmia, an endowed position that has helped Smith grow his lab, recruit students and conduct foundational research. Read more in this story.
Sophomore Alex Eichner dreams of starting his own business after graduating from Ohio State. He’s a recipient of the Steve and Diane Jones Scholarship. Read more in this story.
The Eugene D. Smith Leadership Institute helps student-athletes such as lacrosse player Annie Hargraves prepare for life after sports. Hargraves participated in the institute’s Bucks Go Pro 2.0 program. Read more in this story.
Last summer, Ohio State Extension’s Drought Task Force helped farmers such as Will Hamman ’15, ’19 MS and is conducting research to better understand how severe weather affects crops. Read more in this story.
Shereen Agrawal is the executive director for the Center for Software Innovation, funded by a $110 million gift from Ratmir ’96 MS and Angela Timashev. The center aims to turn Central Ohio into a tech epicenter. Read more in this story.
The Volunteer Leader Academy, an outgrowth of Time and Change, has nurtured a new generation of advocates, including Andre Banerjee ’18. Read more in this story.
X. Margaret Liu ’05 PhD leads a team developing a promising gene therapy treatment that has proved effective at shrinking tumors in mice. Her team is based at the Pelotonia Research Center, one of Time and Change’s most significant capital projects. Read more in this story.