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Scarlet, gray and OK

Given a well-documented rise in mental health needs and a growing openness to seeking care, Ohio State has been working hard to expand services for students. The result: more Buckeyes who are able to focus on their studies and chase their dreams.

A line of people walk up a sidewalk; in the background is the John W. Wilce Student Health Center. The people carry a large H with handwritten messages in marker on it. Many wear coats but a few of their T-shirts can be seen. They say “Walk to prevent suicide.” About 25 people are shown in the photo, but they are the back end of the procession.

At the Out of Darkness campus walk, Buckeyes make a journey of remembrance, hope and support to help prevent suicide.

More than a dozen students face away from the camera as they work on painting a colorful wall of flowers and leaves. Birds and flying insects can also be seen outlined against the color used for the sky. The students are a range of sexes, races and clothing styles.

Students paint in Meiling Hall during the College of Medicine’s Time Out Tuesday. It helps them cope while prepping for their first licensure test.

Lines of Buckeye students, each on their own yoga matte, strike the yoga pose shown by the teachers. It is right leg forward and bent so the flat of the foot is on the floor; left leg stretched far behind, so only the ball of the foot is on the floor; and elbows bent 90 degrees and hands held just above head height.

During Buckeye Love Week, which celebrates kindness, care and well-being, computer science major Kate Bleichrodt and other students participate in a special yoga class at North Recreation Center. 

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