1. Charles B. “Caesar” Morrey ’90
Morrey was a Lantern alumni editor and one of Ohio State’s first quarterbacks. He earned his medical degree from Starling Medical College in 1896 and returned to the university to found the Department of Bacteriology.
2. Edith Cockins ’94
Cockins was associate editor at the Lantern and also worked on Makio, the yearbook. Three years after graduating, she was appointed as Ohio State’s first registrar, a position she held for 47 years. She oversaw over 60,000 student records and developed a system to organize diplomas for commencement. That system is still in use today and places personal diplomas in the hands of thousands of graduates every year.
3. Herbert Scott ’93
A son of Ohio State’s third president, William H. Scott, he joined five other siblings in graduating from the university. After obtaining his degree, Scott was chief executive in his father’s office and attended divinity school at Yale University for two years. He then entered the ministry and became pastor of First Methodist Church of Zanesville.
4. Mignon Talbot ’92
She was treasurer of her sophomore class and exchange editor for the Lantern. Talbot went on to study at Harvard, Cornell and Yale, where she received her doctorate in paleontology. In 1904 she became head of the geology department at Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts. She was the first female paleontologist to discover the fossils of a dinosaur, called Podokesaurus, near the grounds of Mount Holyoke College.
5. William M. Ray ’93
Ray would become chief engineer of the C L & W Railway at New Philadelphia, Ohio.
6. J.G.M. “Alphabet” Skinner
Skinner was managing editor and an 1893 representative of Ohio State in a statewide oratorical contest.
7. Fred Patterson
Patterson, one of the first African Americans to attend Ohio State, was active in the Horton Literary Society, business manager for the Lantern and a football player. Just shy of finishing his degree, Patterson left in 1892 to become a history teacher in Kentucky. He eventually returned to Ohio to take over his family’s carriage business, which had been founded by his father, an escaped slave, and would become an automobile manufacturer.